Children’s Day – topics for discussion and conversation questions

Children and childhood - conversation questions

Z okazji Dnia Dziecka tematyczny zestaw pytań. Pytam i o samo święto, i o dzieci ogólnie i o dzieciństwo. A przy okazji pozwólcie, że przypomnę: nauka powinna dawać frajdę – bez zabawy szybko dacie sobie spokój z językiem obcym!

Children’s Day

  1. what’s the Best way to celebrate Children’s Day?
  2. what’s the most appropriate gift for children?
  3. where would you take young children to celebrate Children’s Day in your city?


  1. Were there many children in your family?
  2. How many children do you have. How many would you like to have.
  3. Do you enjoy being around children?
  4. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  5. Do you think that children are different today from the time when you were child? Or from 50 years ago? 100 years ago?
  6. What is the most important thing that we need to teach children?
  7. What were some important experiences that you had when you were child which shaped you as a person?
  8. What was your favorite game when you were a child?
  9. Who raised you? Your parents or grandparents or another family member?
  10. Are you close to your parents? Do you get along well with your parents?
  11. What did your family like to do together when you were a child?
  12. Who was your best childhood friend?
  13. Can you remember doing anything that got you into trouble? What was it? How were you punished?
  14. Should children be spanked? Why or why not?
  15. What was your favorite toy as a child?
  16. Do you think children today are under more pressure?
  17. Do you think parents today have less time fo r their children?
  18. Do you think video games are a bad influence on children?
  19. Do you think children watch too much television?
  20. Do you think it is important for children to learn English and their family’s native language? Why?
  21. When is it OK for little girls to wear makeup?
  22. What do children use their smartphones for?
    1. Will you give one to your children?
    2. After what age?


  1. What did you like to do when you were a child? Talk about the first thing that comes to your mind.
  2. How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?
    1. Did you have your own bicycle?
    2. Do you remember who taught you to ride a bicycle?
    3. Did you have a bad bicycle accident?
  3. Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
  4. What was your favorite subject? Why?
  5. Were you good at making friends?
    1. How did you make friends?
    2. Did you have a lot of friends?
    3. What did you enjoy doing with your friends?
  6. What were some embarrassing situations when you were a child?
  7. Were you a good student?
    1. Did you enjoy going to school?
    2. Did you get good grades?
    3. Did you enjoy doing your homework?
  8. What did you like about school?
  9. What didn’t you like about school?
  10. Who was your best friend?
    1. How did you meet this friend?
    2. What did you do together?
    3. Do you still do things with this childhood friend?
    4. What other things can you tell us about your best friend?
  11. Were your parents super protective?
    1. At what age could you go places by yourself?
    2. Did your parents always tell you what to do?
  12. Did you play outside?
    1. What did you like to play?
    2. How long did you play outside a day?
    3. Could you play outside all year long?
  13. What kind of food did you like?
    1. Did you used to eat anything or were you a picky eater?
    2. What foods did you like eating?
    3. What foods didn’t you like to eat?
    4. Did you have any foods you hated?
  14. How are you similar to your parents? How are you different?
  15. Did you have any nickname?
  16. Were you afraid of anything? What?
  17. What were your favorite cartoons and TV shows?

A jeśli nie masz ochoty rozmawiać o dzieciach – zerknij na pozostałe tematy konwersacji przygotowane na mojej stronie lub na nowe zdjęcia do opisywania na stronie BBC.

Jeśli znasz kogoś, kto chciałby uczyć się angielskiego – powiedz mu o mnie! Dzięki!

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