The Police – topics for discussion

Police hat

Tym razem proponuję, żeby porozmawiać o policjantach, ich pracy oraz naszych osobistych doświadczeniach z nimi związanymi. Podobno w Polsce znacznie wzrosła liczba włamań i kradzieży – głównie ze względu na drożyznę. O przestępczości porozmawiamy innym razem – dzisiaj temat to The Police.

Liczba tematów do dyskusji na mojej stronie rośnie regularnie. Pamiętaj, żeby zajrzeć do wcześniejszych wpisów. Jeśli w miarę niedawno zaczęliśmy wspólną naukę być może są tam pytania, których możemy użyć na lekcji?

Police – questions:

  1. What do you think about police in your country?
  2. Do you have any friends who are policemen?
  3. Are you afraid of the police?
  4. What are some situations when you would call the police?
  5. Can you think of some situations when you wouldn’t want to call the police?
  6. Can you describe the police uniform of the policemen in your country?
  7. Do you think that it is a very dangerous job?
  8. Do you have any friends that are police officers?
  9. Have you ever been stopped by the police?
  10. Have the police ever helped you? How?
  11. What is the general feeling towards police in your country, is it positive or negative?
  12. Have you ever bribed the police? How much was the bribe?
  13. Do you think police are well paid in your country?
  14. Have you ever seen a police officer collecting bribe before? Where and when?
  15. What do you think would happen if all police officers decide to go on a strike?
  16. Do you think the police in your country are corrupt?
  17. Would you like to be a police officer?
  18. How do you refer to a policeman in your country?
  19. Are there women who join the police force in your country?
  20. What are the qualities a good cop should have?
  21. What do you think about the rock band called „The Police”?
  22. Do you like crime stories or films about police officers or detectives? Give examples and discuss, please.

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